• January 23, 2019

A perfect stay at Noorens's stable. By Lisa Ulven

Henk Nooren needs little introduction...He is a Master Trainer, and it is amazing to be able to see, on a day to day basis, what it takes to work with horses and to manage a performing stable.

My horses love it around here; it is a completely different landscape compare to Norway and I want to exploit every opportunity.

My daily routine depends on shows plan; normally I try to take horses for a walk in the woods and a gallop around the track when we do not have special working commitment.

Horses works many hours per week on flat; Henk has a dressage trainer that comes every 3rd week, they have a very close cooperation and together they set the working plan with focus on various needs.

We concentrate on jumping aspects twice a week and, normally, first day we do exercise over small cavalletti while the next training is merely on jumping a course.

For Henk keys are balance, connection and the way I sit on the horse - without using too much my hands. The next crucial rule is to master blood horses - I have two of them. The goal is to keep them calm and relaxed before and after the fences - easy to describe much harder to implement - practicing is the way to succeed.

My goals for near future are: to continue learning and improving my riding indeed, and... the European Championship, plus, the Nordic Championship.

... Stay Tuned...
