• October 1, 2019

Q&A… Team 19 brainstorming collection

Various topics, several questions...

What are you missing in terms of knowledge (on the horse\ off the horse).

What are you looking for while in training with a Professional.

One concept you really want to take home from this educational session in Sweden.

…and many answers.

The basics, key concepts, however, lead back to three main features, undoubtedly fundamental:

  1. Flat work and dressage skills are essential to improve riding in show jumping.
  2. Good work from the ground and with long reins can improve performances, and, above all, the physical and athletic form of the horse. Goal is to keep them sound for years.
  3. Balance. Physical fitness. Two fairly new concepts in this sport where all, riders and horses, should be fit to compete. Team19, following educational sessions, were able to confirm how significant and central for results is being a complete athlete.
